Wednesday, March 2, 2011

HUMOR - Mymanmyrt, Let me see if i can start my own rumor

HUMOR - Mymanmyrt, Let me see if i can start my own rumor
Photo for themanformerlyknownas

Cairo Time: new romantic blockbuster from the White House

Red Square 
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From the same people who brought you Stimulus, WTF, Sputnik Moment, and Eat Your Broccoli... a heart-wrenching international blockbuster of our times: Cairo Time... starring Hosni MubarakBarack Obama, and Hillary Clinton.

Sometimes you need to forget about national interests and remember your heart...


Shovel 4 U 
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Most Esteemed Crimson Quadrate;

There's something black magic, fascinating and unforgettable about this thirst for world power love story. It truly is hard to find a movie that reaches such a totalitarian definition in this day and time. 

The premise of the movie in itself was quite excitable. It is very reminiscent of Dante's Inferno; however it has a twist (all the while making suicide a truly desirable act of the proletariat's human experience). After watching the film, I had an absolutely no desire of committing suicide myself,; however I might add that I have the goods on a high ranking connection in the Inner Party that gives me some Hope ™. The film has many, many executions is extremely well executed, the timeless plot of ruthless world domination is always alluring and it certainly never felt off kilter. I would recommend this movie to anyone who has an open mind, and an understanding of The Progressive World of Next Tuesday what a truly good revolutionary ivy league anti American plot can bring to the cinema. 

The true messages of this film. I.E (you never will find absolute power happiness until you crush your enemies unless you take it from othersPower Love is the ultimate aphrodisiac timeless however, there are so many bodies bumps; and as these bodies bumps pile up it will then force you to continue piling them up unabated, based only on your pure ideological indoctrination beliefs to create the Utopian world view to that which you have staked your entire miserable existence on.

It was a hard film to critique and obviously you just can't please everybody...


But I & Michael Moore also gave it an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Yours in the struggle;
Shovel Maker to the Czars 
& Part Time Gulag Movie Critic.

Wise One, please never allow me to become an Anthony Johnson.

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