US Supreme Court Allow Police to Bust in Your House if You’re Smoking Weed
With each passing day our Civil Liberties get eroded away as most of us ignore the carnage to focus on whatever distraction is being tossed our way… Yesterday the Supreme Court made an 8-1 decision that upheld the police’s right to bust into your house with no warrant, if they smell weed and prevent you from ‘destroying evidence’… The ruling itself is not only outrageous, but sadly two of the recently appointed justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elana Kagan went along with the program.. Here’s what the LA Times reported…

Yesterday, May 16th was the one year anniversary of the tragic death of 7 year old Aiyanna Stanley Jones. A Detroit SWAT team decided to show off for a reality TV show ‘First 48 Hours’ where they they deployed a ‘No Knock Warrant’. They burst into a house looking for a murder suspect. They had the wrong address.
Aiyanna was asleep with her grandmother who was startled awake and fought back not fully knowing what was going on…The police through flash grenades and the gun of one of the officers, Joseph Sweeny discharged killing the little girl…
Its most recent victim was a marine who survived two tours in Iraq named Jose Guerena who was shot 71 times when SWAT Teams descended upon his house looking for drugs.. Guerana who had no criminal history and no drugs was awakened by his wife in the middle of the night when she saw masked men holding guns peeping in her window.
Fearing they were being robbed, Guerena grabbed his gun and ordered his wife and kid to hide in a closet.. Police busted into his house, saw him holding a gun, shot him 71 times. This happned last week May 5th in Pima County Arizona…Reflect on that for a minute.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor should know the dangers of No Knock Warrants having grown up in the projects..
This is what the Supreme Court green-lighted with their 8-1 decision.. One would think in the age of advanced technology and sophisticated surveillance that if the police have someone who they deem a suspect, they can listen in, get video and wait things out vs busting into a home and killing innocent people.
In the ruling of the Supreme Court where an officer supposedly smells marijuana and wants to investigate before evidence is destroyed, how will that apply in densely populated areas? I have neighbors who smoke all the time. Myself, I’ve never smoked. Will the police come by our residence, smell weed and think its my crib?
In an area where ‘home invasion robberies are common place, how is one supposed to ascertain its the police rushing the residence vs a robber? The Supreme Court has let us down with this decision. Like I said earlier its even sadder when you consider the two justice appointed by Obama went along with this.. Sonia Sotomayor who is from Bronxdale Housing projects should of all people know the potential harm in this.. I guess once you put on the robe, your connection with the people disappears..
With each passing day our Civil Liberties get eroded away as most of us ignore the carnage to focus on whatever distraction is being tossed our way… Yesterday the Supreme Court made an 8-1 decision that upheld the police’s right to bust into your house with no warrant, if they smell weed and prevent you from ‘destroying evidence’… The ruling itself is not only outrageous, but sadly two of the recently appointed justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elana Kagan went along with the program.. Here’s what the LA Times reported…
The Supreme Court gave police more leeway to break into homes or apartments in search of illegal drugs when they suspect the evidence otherwise might be destroyed.For those who are unfamiliar, so called No Knock Raids is what led to the tragic death of a 92 year old Georgia woman named Kathryn Johnson in 2007. Her death sparked an outraged which led to laws being passed to enact new procedures and restraints. We’ll have to find out if this latest Supreme Court rulings supersede the Georgia guidelines.
Ruling in a Kentucky case Monday, the justices said that officers who smell marijuana and loudly knock on the door may break in if they hear sounds that suggest the residents are scurrying to hide the drugs.
Residents who “attempt to destroy evidence have only themselves to blame” when police burst in, said Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. for an 8-1 majority.
In her dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she feared the ruling gave police an easy way to ignore 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. She said the amendment’s “core requirement” is that officers have probable cause and a search warrant before they break into a house.
“How ‘secure’ do our homes remain if police, armed with no warrant, can pound on doors at will and …forcibly enter?” Ginsburg asked.
An expert on criminal searches said the decision would encourage the police to undertake “knock and talk” raids.
Yesterday, May 16th was the one year anniversary of the tragic death of 7 year old Aiyanna Stanley Jones. A Detroit SWAT team decided to show off for a reality TV show ‘First 48 Hours’ where they they deployed a ‘No Knock Warrant’. They burst into a house looking for a murder suspect. They had the wrong address.
Aiyanna was asleep with her grandmother who was startled awake and fought back not fully knowing what was going on…The police through flash grenades and the gun of one of the officers, Joseph Sweeny discharged killing the little girl…
Its most recent victim was a marine who survived two tours in Iraq named Jose Guerena who was shot 71 times when SWAT Teams descended upon his house looking for drugs.. Guerana who had no criminal history and no drugs was awakened by his wife in the middle of the night when she saw masked men holding guns peeping in her window.
Fearing they were being robbed, Guerena grabbed his gun and ordered his wife and kid to hide in a closet.. Police busted into his house, saw him holding a gun, shot him 71 times. This happned last week May 5th in Pima County Arizona…Reflect on that for a minute.
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor should know the dangers of No Knock Warrants having grown up in the projects..
This is what the Supreme Court green-lighted with their 8-1 decision.. One would think in the age of advanced technology and sophisticated surveillance that if the police have someone who they deem a suspect, they can listen in, get video and wait things out vs busting into a home and killing innocent people.
In the ruling of the Supreme Court where an officer supposedly smells marijuana and wants to investigate before evidence is destroyed, how will that apply in densely populated areas? I have neighbors who smoke all the time. Myself, I’ve never smoked. Will the police come by our residence, smell weed and think its my crib?
In an area where ‘home invasion robberies are common place, how is one supposed to ascertain its the police rushing the residence vs a robber? The Supreme Court has let us down with this decision. Like I said earlier its even sadder when you consider the two justice appointed by Obama went along with this.. Sonia Sotomayor who is from Bronxdale Housing projects should of all people know the potential harm in this.. I guess once you put on the robe, your connection with the people disappears..
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