Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Adrian Fenty (ex-DC Mayor) CLEARED of wrongdoing

Adrian Fenty (ex-DC Mayor) CLEARED of wrongdoing

NOTHING TO SEE HERE — “Never mind” is the headline of the Post’s lead editorial today: “‘Pay to play,’ ‘rigged contracts’ and ‘shady deals’ were among Mr. Gray’s choicer [campaign] assertions. Now, rather belatedly, come the results of an exhaustive investigation that exonerates Mr. Fenty. Will we hear apologies from [Mayor Vincent C. Gray], or any of the former mayor’s other accusers? ...

The report, 18 months in the making, largely supports the version of events initially outlined by Fenty administration officials and put forward during what seemed like endless council hearings. That there was no hurry by the council to get the report completed before last September’s critical Democratic primary adds to the unfortunate impression that concern about the contracts — which amounted to $4.5 million and not the $82 million bandied about — was mainly a political contrivance to undermine Mr. Fenty.

A main architect of the controversy was council member Harry Thomas Jr. (D-Ward 5), whose standing to judge others’ ethics is somewhat in question given unanswered questions surrounding his own nonprofit organization. Many factors contributed to Mr. Fenty’s loss at the polls, not least his inability to effectively address criticism and his aversion to gladhanding. But the unfounded charges relating to the recreation contracts from Mr. Gray and others played a substantial role.

Mr. Gray issued a statement late Monday thanking Mr. Trout but making no comment on Mr. Fenty’s vindication.”


In D.C., the ‘shady deals’ that weren’t

Report clears Fenty of contract steering charges

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