Monday, March 14, 2011

Grifter Louis Parson gets 20 years for trying to pull 'broken bottle scam' on Swedish

Grifter Louis Parson gets 20 years for trying to pull 'broken bottle scam' on Swedish

Grifter Louis Parson gets 20 years for trying to pull 'broken bottle scam' on Swedish naval officer

A midtown grifter was sentenced to a stunning 20 years to life behind bars for picking on the wrong tourist - a Swedish naval officer - with a timeless flimflam.

Louis Parson tried to pull what is known as the "broken bottle scam" on Lt. Cmdr. Peter Palm and his elderly dad in 2009.

He bumped into Palm, dropped his bottle of booze and demanded 40 bucks for replacement.

Parson boasted he had pulled the scam on as many as 10 people a day - and many give up the dough rather than get into a confrontation.

Not Palm, who refused to pay a single cent to the con man even when Parson pulled a knife on him before cops moved in for the arrest.

"Mr. Parson is a dinosaur. He's still living in the '70s and '80s when scam artists and people of his ilk wandered around New York City scamming and robbing tourists and citizens," Assistant Manhattan District Attorney Christopher Ryan said.

Palm even flew back to New York to testify against Parson.

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