Monday, March 21, 2011

Sudan Come on down.You're tha next contestant in "LETS START A REVOLUTION"

Activists Embark On New Bid to Stage Popular Uprising, 21 March

Khartoum — Sudanese activists have been calling for a nationwide protest on Monday, March 21, against the 22-year rule of President Al-Bashir's government, in a fresh bid to emulate their counterparts in neighboring Libya and Egypt.

A clutch of cyberspace-based groups and Facebookers have been actively trying to galvanize support for tomorrow's planned action, hoping to compensate for their 30 January's attempt which failed to take on a mass appeal and were swiftly dispersed by the authorities who arrested dozens of activists who were reportedly tortured by agents of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS).

There were also few other attempts to stage protests since 30 January but the authorities managed to contain them with the use of force, drawing condemnation from several international organizations, including Human Rights Watch (HRW) which slammed the government for its "violent responses" to peaceful demonstrators.

On March 8, as the World celebrated Women's International Day, Sudanese police arrested and beat dozens of female activists protesting against right abuses and the alleged rape case of a female activist by three NISS agents on 13 February.

"Because I am a free Sudanese, I will go out and say NO" an online poster by a group called Change Now Movement circulated on many websites and Facebook-based pages.

Another poster is urging people to "be the change and take to the streets on 21 March to say enough to 21 years of deceit, theft, destruction, corruption, separation and rape."

Worsening economic condition compounded with a sense of loss following the secession of the oil-producing South Sudan in a referendum in January have fuelled calls for a popular uprising in north Sudan to be modeled on the wave of revolts which recently toppled deeply entrenched governments in Tunisia and Egypt.

The current Sudanese government of President Al-Bashir has ruled the country since it seized power in a military coup in 1989, ushering in an era of repressive reactions to dissent amid a tightly controlled domestic media.

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