Sunday, March 20, 2011

YOU give the Black Church up to 14 BILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY. Obama owes you NOTHING.

You coons and toms whine every fuckin day about "What has Obama done for the community lately..."

You whine about needing funds to help the poor. You whine about no one bailing you out because of your irresponsible spending behavior. You whine about the government cutting programs for the poor.


So what does YOUR Black Church have to show for it? and that was a rhetorical question, we all know the input is far less than the output.

420 Billion Dollars is enough to fix the Black community 10 times over. I thought these Churches were there to "uplift" the community. I thought you sheepish niggas tithed to help these organizations help your community. Seeing there isn't jack shit to show for it, I can only conclude that you dumb niggas tithed believing you were reserving your spot in heaven. If that's the case, the Black community DEFINITELY suffers from mass insanity and it's a fuckin wrap.

So the next time you niggas want to cry about Obama not helping out the Black community, instead of puchin' that keyboard making bullshit posts, punch them keys on your phone and call you local Black Church and ask them where in the fuck your money went.

Chess niggas.
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1 comment:

  1. I'm not an atheist but I KNOW God because I am that. We have been misled for so long that we need to look outside ourelves for something that was already inside us. The churches only keep you confused and keep you from KNOWING so all you do is BELIEVE. These Christians giving their money to an image they not even sure exist. For starters, let's make these preachers explain why they call him Jesus when the J didn't exist in the Hebrew language.....ask them to tell us why they never read from the Bible in order instead of skipping through so they can find verses that goes with their sermon.....If we suppose to learn it why skip through the pages?? Believing is a handicap if you don't attempt to KNOW and thats what these churches are doing. We are Gods and Goddesses do your research and put that money into a starving child's pocket or offer to buy a college student's schoolbooks....that's God
